Don’t Be a Fool, Live Like God’s Real!

Psalm 14:1

“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.”

A fool lives like God is not real. They live or act impure, unholy, looking to please themselves rather than love God and others. Fools do not see the eternal weight of their actions! We all struggle with times foolishness like this, don’t we? We struggle with corrupt and vile deeds and doing things that are truly, in the end, not good.

However, God does not give up on us, His grace is sufficient, and God’s strength is made perfect even in our weakness. Continuing in Christ, we can grow on His foundation each and every day in more wisdom, living like He is real.

I recently was struck with this reality. Each decision of choosing good or evil, glorifying God or passivity, pleasing God or man, all can come down to whether or not we are thinking and living in the reality of God being real. God being alive and active; omnipresent and all powerful.  When we decide to fear Him rather than pretend that He is not there with us in every step, we have more and more confidence to glorify God rather than ourselves, all through the power of His Spirit.

I pray the Lord would give us strength in sincere faith to make each decision in the wisdom of God’s reality in each moment. I believe this is what fearing God looks like.

May we live each moment to fear Him in our thoughts, in our speech, in our sleep, and every other way of our lives. amen.


Fear the Lord and wisdom is yours
But my mind often combats
“How can I fear someone I cannot see”
I forget the one who secures me.

Do I fear Him?
Do I fear Him as I think?
Making no room for stress or evil
Or do I let those thoughts make me feeble?

Do I fear Him?
Do I fear Him as I sleep?
Laying vulnerable in need of rest
While all the world goes on without protest

Do I fear Him?
Do I fear Him as I speak?
Saying only what is uplifting
To please Him who made all and is always listening.

Do I truly live like my God is real?
My God who is most worthy to be praised.
He parted the seas to make a highway.

Do I truly live like my God is real?
Him being my only way, my only purpose of life.
Or do I sit to please myself, ignoring Christ’s life.

He rules over all
Don’t overlook His power.
Sit in His majesty in meditation
Give thought and fear to Him first, who is THE MOST REAL for every situation.

Fear Him
Live Like God Is Real.


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