Blind Faith

2 Corinthians 5:7

“For we walk by faith and not by sight.”

Blind Faith. Seems like a tricky thing when most of us crave control and security, right? But what seems to be against our nature, is exactly what Christ asks of us. Humble, blind faith.

I feel that the Lord has been pressing this kind of faith in me recently because of a car accident I was just in. Though I hate to admit it, since the accident, it’s been hard to be in a car without anxiety. Just last week, I was on a cross-country road trip with my brother and I realized how much blind faith I had to have in his driving abilities and God being sovereign to be able to relax.

I’m sure blind faith for someone else’s driving sounds so silly, but I’m telling you, my anxiety was through the roof! I had to constantly remind myself that God is above every driver on the road and that His will prevails. After lots of prayer and reminders that I must trust not only my brothers’ driving, but also the God of the universe who can save or destroy, give or take away I was able to relax and enjoy time with my brother. I destroyed thoughts of fear and anxiety through God’s Word, blindly trusting God and my brother and was given the freedom to talk to my brother about what he wants to do in the future, his faith, and God’s power. Amazing things that both encouraged and strengthened both me and him.

That blind faith produced blessings beyond belief and brought a peace beyond understanding.

I don’t get to be in control of the situation, whether or not I get into an accident again, but I walked by faith and not by sight and received spiritual blessings. I received a closer relationship with both my brother and with God. Likewise, I never got to see the holes in Jesus’ hands and feet, nor the gash in His side. I haven’t gotten to see people raised to life, but yet I walk by faith and not by sight and believe this all to be true. God says, “blessed are those who have not seen, yet believe” (John 20:29).

Though we cannot see, let us walk out our lives with faith that God is in control of all things. Let us live in such a way that everyone around us sees how much we treasure the fact that the God of the universe is on our side, as our Father. Let us take His word as ultimate truth, knowing it is more precious than silver or gold.

As He asks us to go out into all the world and make disciples, we can have blind faith of His provision and GO! As He asks us to love our enemies and pray for those who do evil to us, we can have blind faith, humble ourselves and do as He ask. As He says He will come again to judge, we can have blind faith and not judge others, letting God do that work. And good news, we have his Holy Spirit to help us!

Blind faith, though hard, will bring spiritual blessings beyond compare and provides a peace that only can come through God, not man. So let us say “we walk by faith, not by sight” as we live a life worthy of the calling to which we have received.


Beauty For Ashes


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